7 Common Problems Faced by Parents of School Students

Annida Hanifa
4 min readOct 19, 2023


pict: Parents.com

Having children that begin to entering school needs preparation. You need to be aware with problems faced by parents of school students so that you can look for the best solution if later you also experience them. Entering school is not only preparing the kids but also their parents.

You not only have to deal with your children life at school future plans in academic. It is important to maintain good communication with the school so that parents can keep up with their children development at school. Here, are typical problems faced by parents that have school students.

7 Problems Faced by Parents of School Students

There are many problems that parents might face when their children start their school life. They all might be faced in the process of meeting the expectations with the academic needs. Among many problems arises, these are several that commonly faced by parents with school students.

1. Economic

Economic becomes one of the main factors that faced by students who have children at school. Parents come from different economic background and it often affects their ability in paying school fees. Parents who come from low economic background need to have more struggling to deal with school fees.

Sometimes, they also busy with their daily works to fulfill the family needs and tend to focus on that so they keep surviving. This makes them having less participation in school activities that need parent involvement. It also makes them less frequent in n following up their children development at school.

2. Lack of Self-Confidence

Another problem is parents’ lack of self-confidence in helping school to educate their children. There are typical parents who just relay their children education without getting involved in the process. This can be problem since the success of education at school requires synchronization with parents at home.

Parents should be involved in the education process so that they can monitor the children development and take parts in their improvements. This can be done by giving supports at home or help children when facing difficulties with school assignments.

Parents and school should communicate and work together to solve education problems that students faced at home.

3. Generation Gap

Generation gap also becomes one of the problem that parents with school students might face. Too old parents often have difficulties in keeping up with the current development, especially if it deals with their children education. It might affect the communication between children and parents as well.

Too many differences often make parents have expectations which do not match with the current conditions. Children with their current expectations and parents that still refer to the past make their expectations do not meet.

This can be a problem for students to go through their academic life since their parents still have fixed mindset.

4. Parents Work

Incapability of parents in balancing their works and involvement in their children education also becomes one of problems faced by parents of school students. Parents who are too busy with their works usually cannot contribute in many school activities.

This can make them miss the important information and keep up with the updates from school. Since children development requires communication between school and parents. It will be difficult for teachers to communicate the students’ problems with them if they don’t have time for this.

5. Cultures and Norms

The different cultures and norms also become problems when parents cannot manage them well. Students are coming from different family which also have their own cultures and hold different norms. They meet at school for studying; the differences on how they were raised will affect their attitudes.

It is important for parents to explain to their children on how to respect each other including their cultures so that they prevent nay bullying at school due to different life background. Besides, teachers should strengthen it in the classroom on how to interact with friends in a good way.

Different cultures also affect on how parents helping children in solving their problems which might also different with other parents. So, teachers need to communicate with parents and explain to them how to solve conflicts between students when they are at school.

6. Classroom Habits

Students’ habits in the classroom will be different with their habits at home. Teachers and parents need to work together so that those habits can support each other. Students habits at home need to strengthen their habits at school to achieve their learning goals.

Besides, classroom habits are under the teacher authority but it students’ participation in building the habits is important. Teachers need to communicate the classroom habits with the parents so they are understand and there is no intervention when they are conducted in the classroom/

7. Negative Experience in the Past

Sometimes parents’ involvement is too much so that it brings negative effects for school. Due to this negative experience, schools become reluctant in maintaining an optimal relationship with parents. To prevent this situation, it is important for parents to know how far they can contribute at school.

Having discussion with other parents can be beneficial if they find any problems with the students before reaching out the school. At least, this will give parents broader and open mindset about what happen with their children. This will be easier later for parents to discuss the problems with the school.

Problems faced by parents of school students are various. Knowing the problems will help parents’ to keep maintaining good relationship with school to support their children development at school.



Annida Hanifa
Annida Hanifa

Written by Annida Hanifa


SEO and Freelance Content Writer

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