8 Negative Effects of Strict Parenting Need to Consider When Raising Kids
Some parents think that by becoming strict ones, they can make children to be more behaved. But, do you ever consider the negative effects of strict parenting? What type of parenting that actually raises behaved kids? Strict parents or more tolerant parents?
Numerous parents have to deal with type of parenting and discipline to employ when they are having kids. One of the types of parenting that we still can find now is strict parenting although it keeps becoming pros and cons. So, let’s get to know more how strict parenting can affect kids.
8 Negative Effects of Strict Parenting
Strict parents often put high standards on their kids so it might results on authoritative way in raising them. Some of them are successful in making the kids have high performance in academic but this parental style can also result a number of problems on the kids.
1. Kids having antisocial behavior
In some cases, strict parenting works and makes kids to be well-behaved. However, in other cases, this parenting style also results behavioral problems on them. Kids will learn from the live surround them and look on their parents as a model.
When parents see their parents using punishments, emotions, verbal accuses, threats, and forces, they will imitate those behavior when they are upset. These repetitive actions can make kids get used to be aggressive, angry, and rebellious when something doesn’t go like what they want.
Kids tend to respond preferred situation with risky behavior like yelling, cursing, hitting or running away.
2. Kids like to play “drama” or become liars
Strict parents often use harsh discipline to educate their kids so that they expect undeniable obedience, conformity, and respect using their authority. Too strict parenting can make kids to be sneaky which they can play their “drama role really well.
They are well-behaved at home when their parents around them, becoming so respectful and nice. However, when they are outside the home or when their parents are not around, they can act differently.
Besides, parents who don’t create safe and comfortable environment for kids to speak the truth and always apply strict rules tend to make children good at hiding things or speaking lies.
3. Demotivate kids
Strict parents often decide everything without involving their kids in making the decisions such as when extracurricular activities at school or even major their son or daughter want to take when enrolling the university. Kids need to be included in decision making, especially for something that they will do.
Every human including kid deserves to get autonomy. Parents who don’t give their kids autonomy for something that they are involved in tend to be more rebellious and demotivated even when they have grown into young adults.
Giving them with external incentives like punishment and threats actually can increase extrinsic motivation but at the same time also decrease intrinsic motivation. Strict parenting can demotivate kids in doing something so that they have lower initiatives.
4. Unhappy and depressed kids
Unhappy feeling and depressive symptoms that appeared on kids become other negative effects of strict parenting. It is because they don’t receive enough space to express themselves, like sharing their feeling about what they actually like and dislike.
Even in several countries, kids that are raised with strict parenting have higher risk to commit suicide. It is because family that supposed to be their first supporting system doesn’t give feeling and environment like it supposed to be.
5. Kids with lack self-esteem and confidence
Being raised by strict parents means kids will have lack of opportunity to make decision because they mostly do something that their parents tell them to. They tend have low self-esteem and self-confidence to decide things and they have much worries in making the wrong choices.
So, when they are given the opportunity to decide something, they can be less capable because they don’t get used with it.
6. Having worse mental well being
To live in daily well-being and long-term psychological health, kids need to be given with psychological flexibility. Kids should develop skills that enable them to think flexibly in diverse social environments so that they can grow to be not only healthy but also competent adults.
Strict parents that like to apply rigid rules on their kids daily life can interfere their kids well-being through intrusive psychological and behavioral control. As the results, kids will have less psychological flexibility and more non-adaptive in term of self-regulation when they become adults.
7. Increasing bullies
Strict parents prompt obedience using fears. Looking on their parents, kids learn how to use force and power to get what they like from others. When kids take benefit of other’s fears and ask others to do something they like, then it results on bullying.
Kids that grow in strict parenting tend to be bullies or become friends of bullies.
8. Kids have twisted belief of authority
Parents who like to control their kids using their power like to instill a twisted belief of authority in their kids. They determine rules and apply them without consideration from kids in the implementation. Being raised in such condition can make them to follow the rules at all cost.
This can be a problem when others people take benefit from them using their authority. This condition also can produce distrust, opposition, or resistance to authority. Their view in seeing authority can result on delinquency.
It is important to look back and re-think about the goals of raising kids and negative effects of strict parenting when you want to make them to be well-behaved.